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Banishing Dark Spots! | There Is A Solution

Banishing Dark Spots! | There Is A Solution

"Melasma plagued my life for the last 11 years - since the birth of my daughter it moved around my face through the years and made my forehead and lately cheeks look dirty, I hated photos without a heavy concealer and foundation on top... until Swiss Toniq magically erased it all in one year of inconsistent (sometimes forgetting) use" - DR. MARIA ELLIS

Dark spots, age spots and melasma, often caused from sun damage and sometimes from pregnancy hormones are another one of those annoying facts of life we confront with age and although there are some chemical products that exist that will bleach them away temporarily, there has not been an effective natural solution to this problem until now.
At Swiss Toniq, we are seeing incredible results from our clients whose dark spots are fading and disappearing completely and that's not all, new dark spots are not appearing.

So how is this happening?

The powerful and uncooked ingredients in our serums are made from micro molecules that absorb deeper not only to the epidermis layer but also into the dermis layer deep down, boosting the cells to repair, rejuvenate and create their own natural protection against UV rays.

We are also receiving many thank you letters and positive feedback from women whose dark under-eye circles have diminished or disappeared.

I myself was covered in age spots from years of overexposure to sun and like Dr Ellis (above) after several months of using my various serums, I suddenly noticed one day that my face had become completely uniform and there was not a single dark patch left. It's been really great, two years on and not a single dark patch has come back, despite my sun-worshipping, it's really a miracle!

My advice to you...

Don't expect to get results in just a few weeks of using one of my serums but persevere. These are natural ingredients and treat cells on a deep level. The results will come and will stay and when they do, you'll love how you look. Give your skin the time to shed the damaged dark cells and for the new healthy and blemish-free cells to come to the surface.


Which Swiss Toniq products have been proven to banish dark spots?

For the face there is; Advanced Repair, Time Response and Hydration Pro that all contain the potent ingredients and actives to make your face smooth and uniform, even when you continue to go out in the sun and if you need something to remove dark spots on your body then; Performance Bio Body Oil and Forever Young Body Oil is what you need to use. For hands there is; Silk Glove Hand Repair Oil.

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